Podcast 1

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Welcome to RLC’s new podcast. This is a trial version: we plan to produce new material each week, a mixture of news items, conversation, interviews, vox pops, and so on.

The recordings are pitched at A2 Level (TRKI Basic). This means they should be fairly easily understood by students in one of our intermediate groups, but we hope they will also be accessible to people in some of our higher pre-intermediate groups.

Most of the unfamiliar vocabulary should be guessable (e.g. коллективный иммунитет), but there is a short list of new words at the beginning of the recording. We have also provided the text as a pdf. There are no translations or exercises: we want this to be an informal and informative exposure to spoken Russian, with language that is authentic but carefully controlled.

The whole podcast lasts for about 7 minutes, and comprises 6 news items of about 1 minute each. The recording is a single mp3 file, but there are time markings in the pdf in case you want to navigate to a particular item. The recording can be listened to online or downloaded to your device.

If you click on the pdf link below, it will open in a separate window, but the audio will continue to play. Alternatively, you can click on each of the green titles below and they will expand to show the text for each news item.

When you have listened to the podcast, we would be very grateful if you could let us know what you think, either by sending us an email or by clicking on the link below. We hope you enjoy it!


Please let us know what you think